​CULTURAL TRANSFER as the main topic of (our) Jean Monnet Modules project
Culture is considered to be one of the most effective means and tools for crossing personal and national borders. Mental, political and social barriers that have existed for centuries between European citizens are being passed on from generation to generation. The reasons should be sought in its historical development and political order. Tradition of states and monarchies divided the inhabitants of this continent. At the beginning of the 20th century, there were many separate geopolitical units in Europe (Austro-Hungarian monarchy, Germany, France, Italy, etc.). The inhabitants of these countries developed in different political, social and cultural conditions and impacts.
During the Cold War in the second half of the 20th century, two blocks - the eastern and the western – were formed, resulting in the total isolation of their inhabitants. 2019 marks the 30th Anniversary of the Velvet Revolution and the connection of a divided Europe. 30 years is enough to realize history and strive to balance the differences in thinking, feeling and acting. At the same time, however, little is needed to overcome the mental barriers lasting for decades. In overcoming these differences, it is necessary to recognize the impact of culture. At the same time, culture must be understood as an excellent mechanism for the transfer and unification of the different traditions of the people of Europe. Culture and art are the source not only of cultural memory but also of historical contexts.
Cultural transfer in the era of a highly globalized and digitally advanced society raises many questions related to forms of digital communication, media, but also ways of creating literary and other written texts, translation and popular culture.
Cultural transfer consists not only of products, but also by those involved in their transfer. Every time you try to map such a 'cultural landscape of transfer', it should be taken into account that this is a very unstable, nonlinear and often imaginary process that is constantly on the move. We certainly do not know the beginning of the cultural process in it, and often the end of it. Cultural mobility today can take many forms of cultural contact, e. g., it can be placed in a virtual space, in the video game space or on social networks.

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MODULE Jean Monnet Module: Cultural Transfer in the United
Europe: differences, challenges and perspectives (CULTUrE)