The project focuses primarily on organizing new courses to help strengthen general and specific knowledge of students about the role of cultural transfer, diplomacy and economic practice in the European integration process.
Jean Monnet module “Cultural Transfer in the United Europe” is offered to students at Matej Bel University in Banska Bystrica at the Bachelor and Master level of studies as a new elective module including three courses. It is predesigned as the EU-tailored course that focuses on the culture as a potential tool for unifying and mobilising Europe, for integration and inclusiveness as pillars of European identity, for overcoming political and identity crises currently shaking the European Union and for strengthening of the social and territorial cohesion. It aspires to place culture and cultural policies at the heart of the policy´s agenda.
The main focus of the module “Cultural Transfer in the United Europe”:
Culture is considered to be one of the most effective means and tools for crossing personal and national borders. Mental, political and social barriers that have existed for centuries between European citizens are being passed on from generation to generation. In overcoming these differences, it is necessary to recognize the . At the same time, culture must be understood as an excellent mechanism and its socio-economic environment through the transfer and unification of different traditions of the people of Europe.
The specific feature of the proposed Jean Monnet module “Cultural Transfer in the United Europe” is that it creates space for the implementation of an interdisciplinary research. It extends the interdisciplinary boundaries of culture, cultural identity, intercultural communication, active citizenship, diplomacy, philology, sociology, history, economy, tourism, regional development. These disciplines complement each other but at the same time create a new discipline involving different disciplines. In the pedagogical process, three follow-up subjects will meet the requirement of innovation in learning. This represents the transformation of classical foreign language education into the area of ​​culture and diplomacy.
Knowledge and skills are based on general knowledge in the area of social sciences and humanities; on substance and characteristic features of international system and culture; on vital social and economic phenomena, determining the evolution of cultures; on actors of the international relations and culture; understanding of the substance of basic processes of contemporary cultural production; the meaning and complexity of social phenomena that shape international relations and culture; Students are able to follow current events in the field culture and cultural production and discuss them publicly; and to present his/her views on culture and the industry of culture.
THREE NEW COURSES created and implemented in the Jean Monnet Module “Cultural Transfer in the United Europe”