
Course objectives are:
to provide for practical studies, management of domestic and foreign cultural institutions, diplomatic (representative) offices of the Slovak Republic.
to motivate listeners for autonomy and critical thinking, and to raise European awareness, understanding the needs of globalized world and managing intercultural dialogue.
to teach the cultural diplomacy in the context of political, economic and cultural pillars on which sustainable international relations are based.
to interconnect the EU states through science and education.
to reduce communication barriers among nations.

To motivate listeners for autonomy and critical thinking, and to raise the European awareness, understanding the needs of globalized world and managing intercultural dialogue.

What more to be implemented:
Lectures and workshops by experts from domestic and foreign cultural and diplomatic practices, which are motivating forces, while at the same time reminiscent of the importance of culture in the European integration process.
Round table which offered the participants (professors, students, researchers, etc.) the possibility to understand the role which culture plays at local, regional, national, European and global levels.
Conference entitled Cultural Transfer in the United Europe, offering comprehensive explanatory aspects to the cultural transfer.
Website that provides an overview of specific project results and information to both direct and indirect recipients.