
Textbook: Cities and their Stories / Mestá a ich príbehy

The aim of the textbook is to provide study materials in Slovak and partially in German, English, French for students of the courses. As well as to provide additional study material for secondary and elementary school teachers, or for a wider audience, which help to improve the European awareness through stories of selected cities.
Book reference: Mestá a ich príbehy : európska učebnica o kultúrnych tradíciách / Eva Höhn a kol. ; rec. Ľudmila Mešková, Anna Zelenková, Ivan Šuša. - 1. vyd. - Banská Bystrica : Univerzita Mateja Bela v Banskej Bystrici, Filozofická fakulta, 2020. - 260 p. [11,5 AH]. - ISBN 978-80-8141-249-3 (printed version)
Authors: HÖHN, Eva (22%) - BOHUŠOVÁ, Zuzana (14%) - JAVORČÍKOVÁ, Jana (25%) - HUŤKOVÁ, Anita (25%) - PECNÍKOVÁ, Jana (14%)
The textbook is available on

Curriculum of three courses and didactic materials
The courses were succesfully implemeneted at Matej Bel University, the curriculums and didactic materials are available on official online platform used for as a community tool Padlet:
Roundtable with university and secondary-school teachers
Roundtable was held in Banska Bystrica 16 September 2021, and united university and secondary – schoolteachers from the Banska Bystrica region. The roundtable provided an opportunity for a collective discussion of the issue of cultural transfer awareness and its position in the education. The most important part of event was a brainstorming on forms of cultural transfer in the Banska Bystrica city.
Conference Cultural Transfer in the United Europe
On February 10, 2022, the international scientific conference Cultural Transfer in the United Europe was held in the virtual space, organized by the Department of Romance Studies of the Faculty of Arts of the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica as part of the Erasmus+Jean Monnet Module project: Cultural Transfer in the United Europe: differences, challenges and perspectives (CULTUrE). The conference was attended by lecturers from the Matej Bel University in Banská Bystrica, as well as colleagues from five Slovak and five foreign universities. The contributions were interdisciplinary in nature, as the event brought together experts from fields such as linguistics, translation, cultural studies, economics, aesthetics, communication, media and international relations. The conference thus became a meeting place for experts, scientists and university teachers from several countries, as well as a place to exchange experiences and opportunities to establish new contacts in the field of science and research.
Serie of workshops for a wider academic community
Workshops and lectures were organized by experts from the project team to teachers and learners of primary and secondary education twice per academic year to spread knowledge and invite discussion.
Networks with other Jean Monnet coordinators
On 15 – 16 October 2020 Jana Pecnikova and Eva Hohn attended a Research Seminar „Europe in interculturality“ in Lyon, organized by Sylvie Allouche from Lyon Catholic University, France, where we presented our project and discussed with other Jean Monnet Coordinators.
Webpage and Padlet
Webpage provides an overview of specific project results and information. Padlet is created as a community building tool that serves as an open platform for sharing educational materials for both direct and indirect participants. All the study materials are available in Padlet.