
Cultural transfer, as a subject of research, begins to appear around 1980. It refers to various cultural areas in (and between) which people – the bearers of cultures, and cultural products – are exchanged, circulated, and transformed. Cultural transfer is therefore explored interdisciplinary in several areas of research, e.g. literary science, philology, art history, cultural geography, anthropology, sociology, migration studies, etc. The aim of our research is to depict how we can perceive cultural transfer in humanities and to spread interdisciplinary awareness of the cultural heterogeneity that arises from this exchange.
Our 10 research aims are:
To promote research and first teaching experience for young researchers and scholars and practitioners in the European Union issues.
To foster the publication and dissemination of the results of academic research.
To create interest in the EU and constitutes the basis for future poles of the European knowledge, particularly in Partner Countries.
To deliver tailor-made courses on the specific EU issues relevant for graduates in their professional life.
To promote research among the public, and in local press.
To strengthen cooperation and form to next generation of distinguished experts.
To bring together scholars, policymakers, stakeholders, students and to share different views in the United Europe.
To provide consultations on the issue of cultural identity, cultural policy, and cultural transfer in Europe.
To implement recommendations and opinions to real-world questions concerning the EU issues covered by the project research.
To disseminate the project results in Slovakia and abroad.
Research RESULTS
1. Publication entitled Cultural Transfer in the United Europe
The publication is designed monothematically and bilingually - in Slovak and English. Colleagues from six Slovak and three foreign universities participated as authors. The first two papers present the introduction to the topic of the project, the terminology and the concept of cultural transfer. The contributions are divided into four parts / chapters: I. Cultural Transfer in Museums, Fashion and Convergence, II. Cultural Transfer in Comics, Literature and Translation Criticism, III. Culture as Transfer in Literature and Translation and IV. Culture as Transfer in Language and Communication. We have managed to bring together authors across the fields of research in the humanities and economics. As a result, this international anthology is an example of the interdisciplinarity that the topic of cultural transfer itself presupposes.
Book reference: Kultúrny transfer v zjednotenej Európe = Cultural transfer in the United Europe / eds. Jana Pecníková, Zuzana Bohušová ; rec. Monika Banaś, Jiří Chalupa. - 1. vyd. - Tallin : Teadmus, 2022. - 245 p. - ISBN 978-9916-9704-9-2 [PECNÍKOVÁ, Jana (50%) (editor) - BOHUŠOVÁ, Zuzana (50%) (editor) - BANAŚ, Monika (rec.) - CHALUPA, Jiří (rec.)]
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2. Studies
Title of study: Cultural Transfer and its Catchwords
Reference: Bohušová, Zuzana. Kultúrny transfer a jeho catchwords / Cultural transfer and its catchwords. In Kultúrny transfer v zjednotenej Európe = Cultural transfer in the United Europe / eds. Jana Pecníková, Zuzana Bohušová ; rec. Monika Banaś, Jiří Chalupa. Tallin : Teadmus, 2022. pp. 23-37.
The paper is an introduction to key concepts of cultural transfer research and the determining factors of this hybridization. The origins of the research idea of cultural transfer are associated with the names of the French historians Michel Espagne and Michael Werner and with the research of Franco-German history. ARTE "European cultural television" was established in parallel with this. The topic of cultural transfer can be considered overarching and hypertensive. Cultural transfer takes place and happens naturally or is initiated, regulated and supported. It takes place either symmetrically or asymmetrically, and the focus is on power, manifestations of the expansion of some cultures into other cultures, linguistic/cultural imperialism. Typical catchwords of the cultural transfer are the following terms: (post)colonialism, hegemony (of language/culture), translation as "transfer in cultur in situation", mediation, culture exchange, hybridisms and hybridities, value transfer, dialogue/discourse, globalism versus localism versus patriotism versus nationalism, cultural awareness, cultural identity and memory, ambivalence of authenticity, research on migration and exile, migration and exile literature and others. The second part, called exemplifications, explains selected phenomena as products of cultural transfer processes: intertextuality, intericonicity, issues of symmetry and asymmetry of transmissions and explicit intracultural competence.
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Title of study: Vienna's Cultural Identity and Its Literary Tradition
Reference: Höhn, Eva. Kultúrna identita Viedne a jej literárna tradícia. In: Nová filologická revue 2/2021, pp. 23-38.
The study proceeds from the premise that literature as a social construct has a cultural-identification potential and is one of the forms of cultural practice. Literary theory approached in this way is termed literary sociology or literary anthropology. This approach integrates literary texts into intercultural discourse, which interprets literature on the basis of cognitive units, narratives. From a theoretical standpoint, the study analyses literary works with the ideas of German philosopher Walter Benjamin, applying his understanding of the concepts of collective unconsciousness to examples of individual literary characters’ behaviour.
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Title of study: Cultural Identity of Naples in the Novels of Elena Ferrante with Focus on the Translation Aspects
Reference: Huťková, Anita – Prando Šušová, Patrizia. Kultúrna identita Neapola v románoch Eleny Ferranteovej s dôrazom na prekladateľské aspekty, in: Nová filologická revue 2/2021, pp. 39-53
The aim of this article is to analyse the cultural context of the city of Naples within the novels of Italian author Elena Ferrante, known as „The Neapolitan Novels“. Our analysis is focused on the translations aspects in the first two novels of series, „My Brilliant Friend“ and „The Story of a New Name“ with particular attention to historical and social environment of Naples, as a controversial city of southern Italy. In this study we deal different themes, as the female condition, the marginalisation of the poor areas, organized crime, and the cultural identity of a big city and its population.
Title of study: Study: Translation as a Transcultural Cathegory
Reference: Huťková, Anita. Preklad ako transkultúrna kategória / Translation as a Transcultural Cathegory. In Kultúrny transfer v zjednotenej Európe = Cultural transfer in the United Europe / eds. Jana Pecníková, Zuzana Bohušová ; rec. Monika Banaś, Jiří Chalupa. Tallin : Teadmus, 2022. pp. 158-170.
The paper is based on the perception of transculturalism as a current phase of cultural turn and, against the background of the concepts of transnationalism, identity, globalization and hybridization, reveals interferences and penetrations in the humanities, resp. social sciences, pointing in particular to functional complementarity in translation and cultural theories and research. Translation (transdisciplinary use) is becoming a key transcultural category. The article also draws attention to the "shifts" in the content of the term translation and refers to the need to recontextualize this new concept (perception of translation as a transcultural category).
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Title of study: Cities and their Stories in Foreign Language Teaching
Reference: Pecníková, Jana – Höhn, Eva. Mestá a ich príbehy v cudzojazyčnej výučbe = Cities and their stories in foreign language teaching. In Forlang 2021 : cudzie jazyky v akademickom prostredí Košice : Technická univerzita v Košiciach, 2021.pp. 291-297.
The aim of the paper is to present the results of project 611357-EPP-1-2019-1-SK-EPPJMO-MODULE Cultural Transfer in the United Europe: differences, challenges and perspectives (CULTURE), which has been implemented by the Department of European Cultural Studies FF UMB since 2019. In the field of educational innovation, the project focuses on the introduction of a new module Cultural Transfer in the United Europe into the curricula of Matej Bel University. In 2020, we published a publication Cities and Their Stories as part of the project, which practically processes examples of the stories of cities as part of cultural landscapes and aims to bring a foreign language closer through the cultural understanding of European cities.
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Title of study: Cultural Transfer or Culture as Transfer
Reference: Pecníková, Jana. Cultural transfer or culture as transfer = Kultúrny transfer alebo kultúra ako transfer / Jana Pecníková. In Kultúrny transfer v zjednotenej Európe = Cultural transfer in the United Europe / eds. Jana Pecníková, Zuzana Bohušová ; rec. Monika Banaś, Jiří Chalupa. Tallin : Teadmus, 2022. pp. 10-23.
Cultural transfer, as a subject of research, begins to appear around 1980. It refers to various cultural areas in (and between) which people – the bearers of cultures, and cultural products – are exchanged, circulated, and transformed. Cultural transfer is therefore explored interdisciplinary in several areas of research, e.g. literary science, philology, art history, cultural geography, anthropology, sociology, migration studies, etc. The aim of our contribution is to depict how we can perceive cultural transfer in humanities and to spread interdisciplinary awareness of the cultural heterogeneity that arises from this exchange.
Available on: https://padlet.com/jeanmonnet19/yi2rhgj0t0b9svkd
Title of study: Urban Culture in Pandemic Era: Opportunities for Using Virtual Marketing Tools in Local Tourism
Reference: Pecníková, Jana. Et. Al. Urban Culture in Pandemic Era: Opportunities for Using Virtual Marketing Tools in Local Tourism. In: Modern Management Tools and Economy of Tourism Sector in Present Era, Belgrade: SKRIPTA, 2021, pp. 379-392.
Today, cities and communities face the challenge of how to maintain urban culture and develop the social and cultural capital of individuals, despite the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. The answer lies in the intersection between Industry 4.0 and marketing tools that can effectively mediate a cultural experience or cultural service in a virtual space. The chapter aims to point out the use of modern marketing tools in local tourism during the COVID-19 pandemic. The main method of the paper is a case study, carried out on selected examples of cultural institutions in Ostrava, Czech Republic.
The obtained results show that even after the COVID-19 pandemic, new marketing tools will gain a permanent place in the provision of cultural services and thus also in tourism. This will make urban culture more accessible, open and transparent. At the same time, we assume that thanks to the application of virtual tools, the age limit for the target group of consumers of cultural services will be shifted from the older productive class to young people up to 30 years of age.
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Title of study: Ideology and/versus cultural transfer
Reference: Šuša, Ivan. Ideológia versus kultúrny transfer (na podklade prekladov z talianskej literatúry do slovenčiny), In: Nová filologická revue 2/2021, pp. 54-65.
In Slovakia, the year 1989 brought the change of receptive models. This change also affected the link between original (Italian) literature and receptive (Slovak) culture. Prior to 1989, the engaged receptive model of translated literature copied the elementary artistic creative method in the spirit of the canon of socialist realism. This tension of meaning and expression represented an obstacle to natural linear receptive development. This article is based on cultural tensions between Italian Literature and Slovak receptive culture (for ex. reception of neorealism, catholic and Jewish writers, neosperimentalism etc.)
Available on: https://padlet.com/jeanmonnet19/yi2rhgj0t0b9svkd
Title of study: Italian Literature after 1989 in the Slovak Reception (Forms of Cultural Transfer)
Reference: Šuša, Ivan. Talianska literatúra po roku 1989 v slovenskom recepčnom prostredí (formy kultúrneho transferu) / Italian literature after 1989 in the Slovak reception (Forms of Cultural Transfer). In Kultúrny transfer v zjednotenej Európe = Cultural transfer in the United Europe / eds. Jana Pecníková, Zuzana Bohušová ; rec. Monika Banaś, Jiří Chalupa. Tallin : Teadmus, 2022. pp. 128-140.
The aim of this paper is to describe and analyse the Slovak reception of Italian Literature, targeting the period from the year 1989 up to present day. This article is focused on selected Italian authors whose works could not be published for several, predominantly ideological, reasons. The author of the article explores this topic in the light of inter-literary Slovak-Italian relations.
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3. Press articles
Article in academic journal Nova filologicka revue
In the academic journal Nova filolgicka revue we poublished an article about the project activities with expected results. This article is shared within Slovak academic community.
Reference: Hohn, Eva. KULTÚRA, TÉMA MIEST A SPOLUPRÁCA V KONTEXTE PROJEKTOV. In Nova filologicka revue 1/2021, p.238-239.
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Article in university journal Spravodajca UMB
In the university journal Spravodajca UMB we published a paper on conference Cultural transfer in the United Europe that was held on 11 February 2022.
Reference: Pecnikova, Jana. Kultúrny transfer v zjednotenej Európe, in Spravodajca UMB 01/2022, p. 25.
Available on: https://padlet.com/jeanmonnet19/yi2rhgj0t0b9svkd
Article in university journal Spravodajca UMB 04/2019
In the university journal Spravodajca UMB we published a paper on lauching the project Cultural transfer in the United Europe.
Reference: Hohn, Eva. Projekt Moduly Jean Monnet na Univerzite Mateja Bela, in Spravodajca UMB 04/2019, p. 18.
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